Online Booker

Facility Hire Terms and Conditions

Pompey in the Community / Pompey Foundation Trading Company (PITC / PFTC) will enter into an agreement with an applicant to commence a block booking at the John Jenkins Stadium for a pitch and/or meeting room and/or classroom.

PITC / PFTC reserves the right to cancel any booking with a minimum of 7 days' notice in writing. If a booking is cancelled by PITC/PFTC, there will be no cost to the hirer.

If the hirer wishes to cancel a block booking agreement, they are required to give 28 days' notice in writing. If the hirer defaults on payments, PITC/PFTC will be within their right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect.

All bookings will be invoiced to the lead contact one month in advance and must be settled within 14 days. Three late/non-payments of invoices within a season, will result in the hirers slots being offered out to other users/enquirers. For one off-bookings payment must be received in the advance of the booking.

If the hirer wishes to cancel a single booking, then 7 days' notice must be given for a credit note for that booking to be raised against your account.

PITC/PFTC may, at its discretion cancel the booking affected (upon refund of the fee) in their opinion the pitch is unfit for play due to adverse weather conditions or otherwise. PITC/PFTC will give notice of cancellation on this basis at the earliest opportunity.

If a cancellation is not made and weather conditions adversely change at short notice, ie on the day of the booking, PITC/PFTC reserves the right to cancel the booking and any fees paid will be returned in the form of a credit note to the hirer.

Cancellations received 7 days prior to the booking will receive a full refund of the booking fee in the form of a credit note to the hirer. Any cancellation after this will result in any booking fee being retained by PITC/PFTC.

  • The hire relates solely to the usage of the pitches, meeting rooms or classrooms, and all other facilities on the site.
  • It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure all their users of the John Jenkins Stadium behave in a suitable manor and respect the facilities and its other users.
  • Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted anywhere on the site. Any breach of this rule may result in immediate termination of the booking contract.
  • Signage regarding regulations around the site relating to (but not limited to) the use of footwear and no chewing gum on 3G pitches must always be observed. Any user or visitor failing to comply with these regulations will be asked to leave the site.
  • Coaches using the site for activities involving U18 participants (either in youth football or open age) must have an enhanced DBS check as minimum. A coach must be able to produce evidence of this upon request.
  • Dogs are not permitted in any area of the John Jenkins Stadium, although working dogs such as guide dogs are allowed.
  • PITC/PFTC reserves the right to pass on the charges to the hirer for any damages or breakages caused by the hirer or any associated with the hirer, this includes goals and corner flags.
  • All passageways and exists to which the public have access shall be always kept free from obstruction.
  • The hirer (and its users) must ensure that all vehicles are appropriately parked in the car parking bays at the facility. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in action being taken by PITC/PFTC or its appointed agents.
  • Any inappropriate or abusive behaviour towards each other, a member of staff, or another facility user will NOT be tolerated. The hirer shall be responsible for damage caused by unruly or inappropriate behaviour. If any inappropriate behaviour occurs, this may result in immediate termination of the booking contract at the sole discretion of PITC/PFTC.
  • All hirers are responsible for the reading of the fire policy and ensuring all visitors are aware of the evacuation procedures. Fire and other exists must be always kept clear. Hirers must report any health and safety issues or concerns to a member of staff immediately.
  • The hirer shall, at the end of the hire period, leave the hired facility/area in a reasonably tidy condition and all equipment and furniture being return to the correct place of storage, this includes goals being moved off the pitch back to the recess areas. Any costs incurred by PITC/PFTC staff for the failure to comply will be passed onto the hirer.
  • The hirer is responsible for their own and visiting opposition changing rooms (if allocated). Changing rooms used should be left in a clean and tidy condition. All bottles, cans and litter should be left in the litter bins provided. Should it be necessary for PITC/PFTC staff to undertake additional cleaning of the changing rooms then hirers will be invoiced for this service.
  • Mud from boots must be removed before entering the pitches, brushes are supplied near access gates. Ensure that only football boots with studs are worn on the pitches, NO FLAT SOLED SHOES OR TRAINNERS. Please stamp off any rubber crumb from your boots before entering the facility building and changing rooms. Do NOT wash football boots in changing room sinks or showers.
  • Any equipment / apparatus required may be brought onto the premises at the hirers own risk. Any electrical equipment, owned and used by the hirer within the premises must be PAT (Portable Appliance Test) certified.
  • It is the hirers responsibility to obtain the permission of the Performing Rights Society (PRS) if any copyright material within their repertoire is performed/played in public on the premises. No copyright material may be delivered or performed unless the consent of the owners of the copyright has been obtained by the hirer. The hirer indemnifies PITC/PFTC against any action for the breach of copyright.
  • All statutory requirements, including those relating to health & safety and public entertainments, must be strictly fulfilled by the hirer.
  • The hirer may not sub-let the hire of the venue. The name of the applicant on the hire form must be the same as the group who use the facility.
  • The hirer must ensure they have finished their booking by the time required - no over running will be permitted under any circumstances. Hirers are not to enter any pitch space or room until their allocated time has started / booked from.
  • The hirer is responsible for its own public liability insurance (minimum £10m) for the purpose of this agreement, and PITC/PFTC will require evidence of this at the time of booking.
  • The hirer agrees that in using the facilities it does so entirely at its own rand its members risks, and that the hirer and its members will have no claim against PITC/PFTC in any respect of any loss, injury or damage sustained by the hirer or its members howsoever arising from such use.
  • The hirer is responsible for the safeguarding and safe keeping of all items belonging to the hirer, its users or third parties engaged. PITC/PFTC accepts no responsibility for such items.
  • No item of a flammable or explosive nature or any article producing an offensive smell, or any oil, electric, gas or other engine shall be bought into the changing rooms. Externally No Fireworks, Helium Balloons or Chinese Lanterns are to be released from the facility into the environment.
  • No offensive items/weapons shall be brought on to the facility at any time.
  • Floodlights will turn off automatically at 10pm in accordance with the planning permissions set by Portsmouth City Council. If extra time and penalties are potentially required, this needs to be taken into consideration when the kick-off time is set.
  • PITC/PFTC reserves the right to refuse an application to hirers without stating the reasons.
  • In the event of the hirer failing to observe the conditions of hiring, PITC/PFTC may, without notice, terminate the hirers rights under the agreement. PITC/PFTC shall be entitled to retain monies paid (e.g. deposit) and to collect payment of any balance outstanding.
  • PITC/PFTCs decision as to the interpretation of these conditions shall be final and binding on all occasions.
  • PITC/PFTC reserves the right to vary or amend the foregoing conditions on giving to the hirer at any time by giving due notice to the hirer.
  • Neither party to this agreement shall be deemed to be in breach of this agreement or otherwise liable to the other because of any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations under this agreement if and to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by force majeure and the time for performance of the relevant obligation(s) shall be extended accordingly.
  • For this clause รขย€ย˜force majeure' means any circumstances (other than those specifically dealt with in the conditions above not foreseeable at the date of this agreement and not within the reasonable control of the part in question including without limitation:
    • Any strike, lockout or other industrial action or any shortage or difficulty in obtaining labour.
    • Any destruction, temporary or permanent breakdown, malfunction, or damage of to any premises, plant, equipment (including computer systems) or materials.
    • Any breach of contract, default, or insolvency by or of any third party (including an agent or sub-contractor) other than a company in the same group as the party affected by the force majeure or an employee or officer of that part or company.
    • Any action taken by a governmental or public authority of any kind including not granting a consent, exception, approval, or clearance.
    • Any civil commotion or disorder, riot, invasion, war, terrorist act, threat of or preparation for war or terrorist action and
    • Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, disease, or other natural physical disaster.
  • A party whose performance of its obligations under this agreement is delayed or prevented by force majeure:
    • Shall forthwith notify the other party of the nature, extent, effect, and likely duration of the circumstances constituting the force majeure.
    • Shall use all reasonable endeavours to minimize the effect of the force majeure on its performance of its obligations under this agreement and
    • Shall, subject to the clause above, immediately after the cessation of the force majeure notify the other party thereof and resume full performance of its obligations under this agreement.
  • If any force majeure delays or prevents the performance of the obligations of either party for a continuous period more than one month, the party not so affected may give notice to the affected party to terminate this agreement, specifying the date (which shall be not less than 7 days after the date on which the notice is given) on which termination will take effect.
  • If a booking has been cancelled permanently, any credit held by PITC/PFTC will be returned to the use at the earliest possible opportunity. For any user continuing use, credit will be held and applied to future booking invoices.

Name of applicant:

On behalf of (team, club, school etc):


League (if applicable):




Phone number:

Contact for evenings and weekends:

Name:             Phone:

I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of PITC/PFTC in relation to the hire of its facilities and booking arrangements.

I understand and accept that I am personally responsible for any debt arising from this hiring and agree to pay all invoices by the dates stipulated on the invoices. I understand that use of the facility will be withdrawn if I, or any person using the facility, fail to comply with these conditions.
